CLOSE Inauguration of Atal Tinkering Laboratory at St. Ursula

Welcome to St. Ursula Girls' English Primary School
Our Founder Ms. Cooper, the pioneer of girl's education in Nagpur, the then C.P & Berar Province was a remarkable woman. It was she who really began the education work for girls, which has gone on uninterruptedly since her day.

Those were the days when girl's education was only a vision but God guided Ms. Cooper, wife of Rev. J.G.Cooper to start a new and more hopeful chapter in the history of Nagpur for the betterment and upliftment of women.

Ms. Cooper took a lead and started this School in her own house in mission compound, located at Sitabuldi in the year 1857-58. Later, that small bud bloomed into a big flower - now known as St. Ursula.

The school has now completed 162 glorious years of excellence contribution in the field of education imparting knowledge.

Our Mission

# Our mission is to develop and empower girl child to discover their distinct potential as learners and leaders.
# We stress on overall development of a child -- spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical.
# We strive towards education imparted by devoted & qualified staff in the form of comprehensive curriculum blended with extracurricular activities.

Our Objective

# Develop moral values in an individual
# Develop all-round personality
# Develop critical & divergent
# Build confidence & communication skills
# Develop spirit of co-operation

Torrins Music Academy

We have introduced in the year 2018 Music Classes for the Students of Std 3rd & 4th. TORRINS is a ten years old US based Music Company in partnership with Ehsaan Noorani in India. The Core objective is to impart formal Music Education to Children, which aims in building confidence, empathy, imagination, focus and team skills in children.

Timing : Monday to Friday : 9 A.M. - 3 P.M.

Saturday : 8 A.M. - 11 A.M.
( Holiday for Pre-Primary Section)

Pre-Primary Uniform :
Monday : White
Tuesday to Friday : Blue Checks

Primary Uniform :
Monday to Friday : Blue Uniform
Saturday : White Uniform